
Our number one goal is to tell the 179th Airlift Wing story to our internal and external audiences. The 179th Mission is "Always Ready, Always There" and it is our goal to share how our extraordinary citizen airmen meet that mission.

Chief of Public Affairs

Public Affairs Office
1947 Harrington Memorial Rd
Mansfield Ohio, 44903

Contact US

Community Relations

The 179th Airlift Wing is very active in its local community. Members of the unit work and live in the local areas and believe in being responsible stewards of the community.

For more information contact us:
email:  179th Public Affairs office 
call:     419-520-6875

Honor and Color Guard

The 179th Airlift Wing has a very active color/honor guard. The unit can provide color guards, honor guards and military equipment for military funerals and patriotic events in your community.

The 179th Airlift Wing supports more than70 funerals and events annually with their color guard.

If you are interested in having the 179th Airlift Wing Honor Guard perform at your event, please Contact Us.

To request Honor Guard or Color Guard presence during your event, please fill out and submit:

Fill out DD FM 2536:
DD FM 2536

Submit to:
Honor Guard/Color Guard Manager

Flyover Requests

The U.S. Air Force is the approval authority for all flyover requests
To submit a request for a flyover please use the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events  website
Once you receive your flyover authorization number, please email or call the 179th Public Affairs Office.

  • Phone:419-520-6875
  • Email: 179.AW.Public.Affairs.Org@us.af.mil


The Public Affairs Office is responsible for telling the 179th Airlift Wing story to its various publics. The office serves as the official communications channel through which the base disseminates information both internally and externally. Public Affairs fulfills the Air Forces obligation to keep the American people and the Air Force informed, and helps to establish the conditions that lead to the confidence in the 179th Airlift Wing and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war.

The office has five major functions: 
(1) external media relations, 
(2) internal communications, 
(3) production of official base publications for on-base audiences, 
(4) production of official base web page for both on-base and off-base     audiences 
(5) marketing and communications support for base initiatives. 

The office distributes news and feature stories about base programs, activities, events, and its members through a variety of channels to include the base newsletter, press releases, hometown news releases and the internet. The 179th Public Affairs Office is equipped with a variety of skilled professionals that are focused on getting the 179th story out.

Non-Aviation Requests

Please submit your request 90 Days Prior to your event (last minute requests will be considered)

To Request any of the following:

  • Speakers
  • Volunteers to participate
  • Color Guard
  • Honor Guard
  • Equipment Display
  • Parade participation

    Please fill out request form: 
    DD Form 2536
  • Must be filled out by the Requesting Organization not the military member
  • Clearly state what you are requesting in block 1.
  • If you are requesting a specific individual or unit, please document the name in block 20

    Email the completed form to:  
  • ng.oh.oharng.mbx.pao@mail.mil


Fee free to call 179th Public Affairs at 419-520-6875 with any questions

Base Tours

To Request a tour: Please email a completed Tour Request Form to: 179.AW.Public.Affairs.Org@us.af.mil
Tour Request Form located at the link below.

Tours are available April - October - Wednesday's only; approx. 90 min walking tour.
Visiting areas include: Security Forces, Fire Department, RED HORSE Squadron with heavy construction equipment or walk through a C-130.

All tours of military equipment or vehicles are static display. Civilian flights or rides in military equipment are not authorized through this process.

Learn what the Air National Guard and 179th Airlift Wing does for you and your community.
See different careers that the Air National Guard has to offer.
Take time to build relationships with local civic leaders and military troops.
Enjoy an opportunity to see top quality military members showcase their roles, missions, and points of pride.

Tours are available to:

- Public clubs and local businesses

- Vocational and High and Jr. High Schools with children over 12 years old 

- Elected officials, Civic Leaders, Ranking Officers


Group Sizes: a minimum of 25; maximum of 40 visitors


Tour dates are subject to mission requirements.

All visitors are subject to security vetting; Ohio ID is required to enter.


To request a tour, please fill out request form:

Tour Request Form

Liability Waiver Form

Tour Guide

Hometown News Release


Hometown News Releases celebrates your accomplishments.
The Hometown News Service was designed to showcase the worldwide accomplishments and activities of Airmen and present a positive image of Air Force people through print and electronic news releases. There are numerous occasions that merit a hometown news release: 

Military or Civilian: 
» Graduation from schools
» Promotion 
» Awards and decorations 
» Re-enlistments 
» Retirements
» Receipt of college degree 
» Suggestion awards of $50 or more 
» Participation in a national news event 

Click this link to go to the Hometown News Service.
Open the form.
Choose your PAO at Mansfield, Lahm Airport
Fill out all the necessary information and add any attachments or photos.
Check mark the privacy act statement 
Then submit the form.
If you have any questions contact your Public Affairs Team


Public Affairs

179AW Social Media

Graphic to 179th Facebook linkGraphic to 179 AW Instagram linkGraphic to 179 AW YouTube link

Important Links

Buckeye Airlifter

one seven niner link

Updated Links

Graphic of the Phone directory buttonGraphic and link to the Air Force siteGraphic and link to ACC official pageGraphic button with link to official ANG websiteGraphic button with link to official Military 1 websiteGraphic button with link to official Environmental statementGraphic button with link to official Family Programs pageGraphic button with link to official  200 REDHORSE webpage

Stay Informed

Public Liaison

If Dissatified with the response received from the Requester Service Center, you may contact the Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Office
1800 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1800
Phone: (703) 696-6487
Fax: (703) 696-4421
(Please do not send FOIA request to this office)