Our new Director of Psychological Health Published Sept. 14, 2011 By 2nd Lt. Holli Snyder 179th Airlift Wing Public Affairs MANSFIELD, Ohio -- In today's Air Force, there are numerous stressors that our Airmen face on a day-to-day basis. Deployments are at an all time high for many career fields and it can become tough to deal with all of the things that are going on in ones life. Here at the 179th Airlift Wing we have witnessed, first hand, how all of these stressors can impact a fellow Airman's life and can be detrimental without the proper help. We are fortunate enough to have a new Director of Psychological Health, Vivian Winters, here at our base to assist any Airman who is facing a difficult time in their life, or just needs a shoulder to lean on. I was able to ask her some questions about what she can do to help out at the 179th AW. What is it that you offer to our Airmen at the 179th AW? I offer an environment where Airmen can come and be true to who they are. They can be open and honest and not fear judgment or rejection. I would like to think of my office as a safe haven, where we can just talk and laugh or listen and cry. Most important is that when you walk out the door you know that you have one more person who cares about you. How do you feel this position has become a necessity across the Air National Guard? I believe that as a society we are learning more each day on how our emotional stress impacts our health. When focusing on the ANG and the numerous deployments, and day-to-day stressors it only makes sense that we implement a program that teaches about resiliency on all levels. What are some important tips you could give to our Airmen? I read this on the AF portal and I believe that it is a great tip, "Growing and thriving in the face of challenges and bouncing back from adversity are not Lone Ranger activities. Rather, these are team accomplishments. Do you have enough gas in the tank to get to mission accomplishment? I'm sure you do! You just need to top off the tank, stop for breaks if needed, and frequently check the dashboard indicators." I would add that when you need those breaks or your engine light starts flashing that you come in for a visit. Where did you do your schooling? I received my associate degree from North Carolina State human services, my undergraduate degree is from the University of Cincinnati in Addictions, and my graduate degree is in Social Work from The Ohio State University. What has been the most rewarding experience in your career field? Having the opportunity to be that one person that they feel they can open up with, who understands, listens and helps them believe there is hope. What is the one thing you would like our Airmen to know about you? Other than being an extreme Ohio State fan, I am the most down to earth person you will meet. I am here for you and more than willing to listen and help even if you're a Michigan fan. Is there a command message that you would like to reinforce? Always believe there is hope! Vivian's office is located in the Medical Group section of building 420 in Room 121. Her base extension is 520-6700 and her cellular number is (419) 571-1451.